written by Amanda L. Andrei directed by Ludovica Villar-Hauser In a near future world where the government trains teenagers to manage disasters, five young women embark on a training scenario in the Appalachian Mountains to fix a regional electrical grid. As they hide secrets about their pasts and what is installed in their bodies, leadership and friendship become fractured. And when a freak electromagnetic storm hits the grid and injures the teens, they must fight for their bodies, relationships, and lives, struggling with a question that faces many of us today: how do we grow up in a world that is falling apart? Amanda L. Andrei is a 2020 winner of our Annual Parity Commission. |
Kolbe Handal (she/her) – KHawk
Ashil Lee (they/she/he) – Diesel
Bailey Macejak (she/her) – Jana
Mia Selway (she/her) – Violet
Denali Thomas (they/she) – Sachi
Maddie Jewell (she/they) – Stage Directions
Director: Ludovica Villar-Hauser (she/her)
Playwright: Amanda L. Andrei (she/her)
Company Dramaturg: Jennifer Kranz (she/her)
Director of Photography: Edna L. Biesold (she/her)
Production Stage Manager: Becca Silbert (she/her)
Assistant Stage Manager: Maddie Jewell (she/they)
Kolbe Handal (she/her) – KHawk
Ashil Lee (they/she/he) – Diesel
Bailey Macejak (she/her) – Jana
Mia Selway (she/her) – Violet
Denali Thomas (they/she) – Sachi
Maddie Jewell (she/they) – Stage Directions
Director: Ludovica Villar-Hauser (she/her)
Playwright: Amanda L. Andrei (she/her)
Company Dramaturg: Jennifer Kranz (she/her)
Director of Photography: Edna L. Biesold (she/her)
Production Stage Manager: Becca Silbert (she/her)
Assistant Stage Manager: Maddie Jewell (she/they)